Coaching Leaders and Organizations to the Best Version of Themselves

Brandyn Simmons, MGCM, MDiv, MBA, PCC
Founder and Coach
Hello, I'm Brandyn Simmons. Thank you for stopping by to begin this meaningful and powerful conversation together.
After 10 years in consulting, I came to realize that "problems" that are focused on end up being perpetuated. A company would hire me to solve a problem, I would complete the project and advise them, leaving them with a report that was occasionally followed only to have the same issues resurface in new ways. I eventually learned that, with some changes to the approach, companies and individuals could experience great positive transformation with buy-in from their stakeholders. This is when I decided to become trained as a coach.
I believe deeply that a coach approach to organizational and individual change leads to longer-lasting and even permanent transformation. Both organizations and individuals have an authentic or "True" self that is the essence of who they really are. If an appreciative approach (rather than a problem-solving approach) is taken, answers are discovered and a shift begins to occur.
I also came to realize that many people and groups were setting goals that did not really reflect who they were. Therefore, progress was slow and, even if goals were achieved, there was still little feeling of satisfaction. People and groups can often lose direction and forget their reason for being. This is why I coach to ensure that goals are first aligned with the "why" or most authentic self of the person or group. Then, I guide my clients to their desired outcomes building upon the strengths that are already present.
So, those are some of the things I've done, but let me tell you what I'm passionate about. I think it's important to "know" me if we are to embark on this intimate coaching relationship together.
I love "a-ha" moments. I am genuinely excited when I see the shift occur in a client and she becomes her True Self. I think many of us create egos or false selves upon which we base our goals. Unfortunately, not only do we rarely achieve these goals, but if we do, we are terribly unfulfilled. I hate seeing this and am overjoyed when there is congruence and genuineness in a person's life. Stress fades. Cognitive dissonance is shed. The person experiences serenity.
I am passionate about leadership - good, authentic, meaningful, vulnerable leadership. This includes organizations that create environments where people can thrive in a safe and generative space and the individuals who lead them.
I have a particularly special place in my heart for caregivers. I have seen the plight of caregivers up close and have experienced it myself at a very young age as I cared for my dying grandmother. Not only am I equipped with the educational background in geriatric care management to point you toward the resources that you need, not only do have the expertise for those of you who are trying to juggle careers and business ownership as an MBA and professional certified coach, but most importantly - I have genuine compassion and passion to help you stay out of burnout and thrive with the best life possible while providing the best care possible to your loved one.
I served for many years as a hospital and hospice chaplain and bereavement coordinator. I saw a lot of loss and a lot of beauty. I have seen friends and colleagues burn out in roles such as nurses and hospice field staff. I'm passionate about stopping burnout of all kinds. I earned a Master of Geriatrics and coupled that with my coaching and hospice experience to coach people in burnout situations and their employees to create healthy systems that care for their caregivers. I even have a non-profit that does some of this in church settings called Generations Care Partners Foundation.
I'm passionate about coaching people through grief. We live in a culture that says "get over it," but this isn't healthy and is, in fact, destructive. Grief shows up in many ways and not just around death. An intentional retirement, the wind down of a team who has either completed their purpose or whose project was discontinued due to budget cuts, layoffs, and so many other scenarios - they are all transitions and forms of loss that require healthy grieving so as to create new meaning.
Five years of training in a Buddhist temple in Japan in mindfulness, doing an MBA in Japan, extensive training to become a professional certified coach, and mastery of Appreciative Inquiry have left me with the tools to journey with you and your organization toward the transformation that you seek. Please see the rest of this website to see who I have partnered with and how we can work together.
I look forward to working with you and your organization to find your reason for being and unlocking your leadership potential.
Brandyn Simmons, MBA, MGCM, MDiv., PCC