Coaching Leaders and Organizations to the Best Version of Themselves

Family Caregivers
Executives/Business Owners: Time off is a luxury that you don't have. There don't seem to be many options: your career, family, friends, hobbies, your very sense of self all seem to be slipping away as you try to be the best caregiver you can be to your aging parent(s). Suddenly you were thrown into this situation that has no signs of improving. It doesn't have to be this way. You can still thrive and have a fulfilled life while providing compassionate care to your aging loved one and I can coach you to see how. From my unique position as a certified coach, geriatric care manager, and former executive, not only am I equipped for your particular situation, but I can help you to get out of burnout and into the realm of full possibility where both you and your loved one are thriving as your best and truest selves.
After the Caregiving: Maybe your aging loved one has died or gone into a long term care facility and you are left wondering who you are as you put every bit of yourself into caring for them. Maybe you gave up your career, relationships, and everything else to devote everything to caregiving. This is a sad and common theme for caregivers, but not one that has to be permanent. I will work with you to find your most authentic self and to create an intentional life of joy and congruence as you grieve the past and build your future.
Corporate Partners
It is not news to many that a significant percentage of the workforce is comprised of individuals who are caring for an aging parent or a loved one while trying to manage their career and sanity. Having seen firsthand the effects of caregiver burnout which led me to get a master's degree in geriatric care management, I have a particular passion around helping these folks find the balance they need.
Most companies are not equipped to handle the growing caregiver population amidst their employee ranks. Most caregivers are not equipped to handle the added stress and responsibilities that are piled on them as they try to maintain their personhood.
As caregivers burn out and have few resources or support from their companies, very talented people are dropping out of the workforce to care for their loved ones. This is an area where I have had extensive coaching experience to help caregivers discover the resources that exist for them, maintain their sense of personhood, and assist companies in creating a supportive environment where caregivers can thrive and organizations can be generative.
What would it cost you to replace your VP of HR or Director of Operations? Industry data says 100-200% of their salary. Loss of productivity due to caregiving costs U.S. companies an average of $33 billion per year and the average individual contributor costs $5600 per year in lost productivity. Why not do something to keep productivity up and prevent your best people from quitting? We offer subsidized in-home care and geriatric care management to take the stress and worry off of your employees so that they can be their best at work.